Statistics show that an unhealthy eater has 60% higher chances of taking hasty decisions as compared to a healthy eater. This just goes to show how important a balanced diet is when your work gets demanding.
It is very important to focus on portion sizes when it comes to office meals, always make sure to split your meals into two and time them in a way that your body gets regularly fueled and your sugar levels don’t plummet. Make sure to consciously make healthy choices – like moi moi over akara and boiled over fried egg to improve your energy and cholesterol levels.
Make sure to supplement your diet with Vitamin C, B complex and Omega 3 that is very hard to get in our diet after all the processing and pesticides added to our food. Make sure to have lean cuts of your favorite meat- drop the red meat to have better heart health.
Eating local is key here, never fall for expensive kiwis as they are very close to nothing after all the miles they have travelled, and all the preservatives added to them to keep them fresh. Always opt for local nuts, fruits and vegetables.
Increasing the greens in your diet, making your office a convenient workout place and drinking plenty of water are the easiest strategies you could adopt to optimizing your workplace productivity.