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7 Traits Of An Outstanding Brand

Let’s play a quick game. 

Close your eyes, now say ‘brand’. Open your eyes. Now, what was the topmost thing on your mind when you said brand? Nothing? Let me guess, something popped up, isn’t it? 

Primarily, you must have thought of a product, in fact a product you like and use very often. Next thing that may have crossed your mind was the organisation behind the production of that product. 

Right or wrong? Candidly, you’re not wrong. However, here is a more detailed, yet simple definition to a brand. 

A brand is a name given to a product and/or service, such that it takes on an identity by itself. Put simply, your “brand” is what your customer or prospect thinks of when he or she hears your brand name. It can be both factual (e.g. It comes in a red can), and emotional (e.g. It’s romantic). Simple, right?


To get a good understanding of what a brand is, there are some concepts we must familiarise with. 

● Brand Identity- It is the way people recognize the brand. It may be through the logo or other associated visuals. 

● Brand Image- It is the idea of the brand that people develop in their minds. It also dictates what they expect from the brand. 

● Brand Positioning- It is the way a product is placed in the market. It basically defines what customer segment it is targeting. 

● Brand Personality- It is just like the personality of human beings. It is certain emotional or personal qualities that we associate with a particular brand. 

● Brand Communication- It is the message it delivers through various sources like adverts.

These mentioned above are general to all brands and define/differentiate brands from each other. However, our focus, is on what makes your brand outstanding amidst every other brand. Let’s consider 7 briefly. 

1. Consistency​- All of your actions should be consistent with your brand image. You’ll become known for something that you always do and you shouldn’t stray too far from it. 

2. Personal​- The personality of a business brand is more important to its fans than even its actual products or services. Show your personality as much as possible, especially when interacting with people online. 

3. Clarity​- Make sure that everything you produce shouts out loud what it is you do, what value you offer, and how you’re unique. 

4. Memorable​- Being memorable is perhaps the most important characteristic needed for a brand. Highlight a small number of product or service attributes and don’t try to be master at everything. These few things that your product really excel at will become linked to you in the minds of others. 

5. Uniqueness- ​is key because your brand should set you apart from others in your field. Look for your product qualities that are different from others. Don’t create it; discover it. 

6. Loved and Lovable​- Outstanding brands are loved by their own people and those that seek to interact with them. This flows from your product's personality and dependability. 

7. Accountable​- You brand must be accountable for its positive and negative actions. This can be measured to demonstrate and improve performance.

On a final note, there are elements that help define brands. These elements if not taken keenly will have detrimental effects on all aspects that make an outstanding brand. They are

Business Name​- Must be simple and must resonate to the scope of what you offer. 

Logo​- Must also flow from your identity and personality. You must decide if it will be playful or professional, vintage or modern, colourful or subdued. 

Colours- ​If you feel like a signature colour is appropriate for your business, establish this early on. This can come from your logo, or influence it.

Fonts​- These have an incredible power to convey brand values. So, whether you’re choosing fonts to use on your website, in your logo, or in your printed materials, choose wisely.

Tone (of message content)​- This will largely be determined by your target audience. Define this for yourself, and then make sure that you and others use this consistently across your digital and printed content. 

There you have it. Now go build yourself an outstanding brand.


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