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Why You Need To Train Your Employees (Importance Of Skill Development & Training)

An organization is only as good as its products and of course, its employees. In actual sense, the employees most times play a vital role in the production, and delivery of products or services. The truth however is that your employees, as with everyone, need to constantly improve their knowledge and learn new skills. The better they get, they better they produce, which will in turn affect the organization. You might be worried about the financial costs that staff training might represent, but with the advent of free online platforms like Alison courses, Open2Study, and Coursera, you can effectively train your staff without breaking the bank. You could consider a Averti Professional Managers too, who offer professional training for both business owners and employees

Your focus when training your staff should be on the benefits that it will provide for the company and the return on investment that it brings.

Here are 5 reasons to train your staff:

1. Increases productivity

If your employees know what they’re doing and are properly trained, productivity will increase. Many companies lose money due to mistakes employees make. Imagine that the marketing analyst doesn’t know some advanced excel functions and wastes his time, or the customer care personnel doesn’t know how to properly deal with an angry customer, these things happens all the time. If your employees are properly trained, their personal productivity and company’s income will increase.


2. Higher loyalty and less turnover 

Investing in your employees will let them know you are interested in developing their skills. As a result, they tend to stay longer and contribute more to your business. Recruiting replacement staff is expensive, time consuming and risky. It’s much better to train and retain your best people in the first place.

3. Decreases need for supervision 

Untrained and under-qualified staff can drain your management resources and distract you from urgent and important tasks. Training them means they can effectively handle some tasks without you having to school them all over again. 

4. Increases job satisfaction, morale & motivation among employees 

A happy workforce is a productive workforce. Training increases the wellbeing of employees and reduces absenteeism, mistakes and stress in the workplace. 

5. Helps employees perform new responsibilities well 

Would you allow your 17 year old son drive your new car without any instructions? Of course, that’s a NO! Then why do some organizations promote employees to new positions without giving them the necessary skills training to perform their new roles effectively? Training employees for a new position is beneficial to both the organization and the employee in terms of productivity, effectiveness and efficiency.



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