What you need to know about LASAA
The slogan “A business with no sign, is a sign of no business” speaks of the vital role advertising plays in any business. The Lagos State Signage and Advertisement Agency (LASAA) is the agency saddled with the responsibility of regulating and controlling outdoor advertising and signage displays in Lagos State. Functions of LASAA
● LASAA primarily issues licenses and permits for outdoor structures as a means of regulation and environmental protection from visual blights.
● It maintains a database of all outdoor structures, their owners, and operators, as well as their location and reason for operation.
● LASAA also has the right to revoke or modify a permit issued to any advertising body, if found to be in violation of any of the provisions of LASAA.
● To ensure compatibility with the surrounding environment, LASAA also controls the pasting and display of posters on public structures and highways.
As a business owner, you must know that “It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, construct, enlarge or structurally modify an outdoor structure or operate any structure or signage or advertisement without first being registered by the Agency. So before putting up that sign announcing your business, make sure you get the relevant LASAA authorisation.
LASAA Registration Stages
The registration process for getting a LASAA permit is in two stages:
1. First, the Pre-scrutiny Stage where an assessment of your proposed sign is carried out on your building/premises to determine suitable placement, size and display in line with the specifications of the LASAA law and guideline.
2. Next is the Formal application Stage which you are required to provide detailed technical information regarding the premises and the proposed structure (fixing details where relevant), the building elevation (showing the position of the sign) and the electrical detail of the structure (where applicable) to reflect the LASAA approval.
LASAA Registration Process
Now that we have explained who and what LASAA is, let us tell you a bit about the registration process:
1. Visit the LASAA website to find the closest office to you. Tip: Almost every local government or local council development area (LCDA) office has a LASAA agency
2. At the LASAA Office, pick up the relevant forms. Next return the completed form to where you picked it from with your proposal which will include your Geographic Information System (G.I.S.) record, location map, photograph (if it is an existing structure), photomontage (proposed structure). This is to enable the processing officer make appropriate decision without visiting the site
3. Within four weeks of submission, LASAA is expected to give you a response letter “re: on-going pre-scrutiny application process for on premise signage”. The proposal request might be complex and could require site visits which will attract a charge by LASAA.
4. For complex proposals, LASAA would issue a letter inviting you to discuss the suitable sign that would be supported or approved. The letter invites you for a discussion on what is required for the formal application stage /approval.
5. For the next stage of the process, you will purchase an additional form from the LASAA Head office.
6. The completed form is returned to the point of purchase accompanied with the under listed documents;
i. Site plan: A site plan is a block plan of the site on which the advertising sign is to be erected or displayed and drawn to a scale of 1:200 to show every feature of a building on site, the position of the sign in relation to the boundaries of the site, the name of the adjoining street and building on properties abutting the site.
ii. The building elevation (only the elevation carrying the existing/proposed sign is required).
iii. The structure details (emphasis is on size and fixing details)
iv. The electrical detail (where applicable)
v. Tax clearance (Company tax clearance and two directors’ personal income tax clearance for Corporate Organisations; Director/Owner’s tax clearance for Small Scale Business Enterprise.
vi. Property owner’s consent
vii. Recently, most Lagos State Government agencies including LASAA have been known to ask for Lagos State Residents Registration Agency (LASRAA ) cards so, make sure you have yours handy
7. Note that all required drawings are to be scaled (Site plan 1:200 Elevation plan 1:100 and Sign details 1:50 or less.)
8. An approval/conditional approval letter will then be given to you based on the level of compliance of the documents submitted with LASAA recommendations, if any.
9. On submission of outstanding/amended documents an approval letter is given with a structure permit number.
You can proceed to installing your signage, which should be inscribed with your structure permit number. For more information about LASAA, visit the LASAA website at www.lasaa.com